Why Are My Eyes Always Bloodshot?

When you look in the mirror, your eyes frequently look bloodshot. It’s certainly not attractive. You don’t want to look sick all the time. It’s time to find out what’s causing the redness and treat it.
When you come in for your appointment, our board-certified ophthalmologists with Wolchok Eye Associates, PA, review your medical history and examine your eyes. Your Wolchok physician asks you questions about your symptoms and your daily habits. After performing tests and examining your eyes, your doctor lets you know what’s causing the problem and what type of treatment you need.
There are more than 20 possible causes of red eyes. Following are some of the common reasons your eyes look bloodshot.
Lifestyle habits
If you wear contacts, you’re more at risk for red eyes. Your eyes can become red when you leave your contacts for too long. It’s easy to forget you're wearing them, so set a timer for when it’s time to take them out.
Are you a computer jockey staring at screens all day? If so, you’re at risk of developing redness in your eyes. You probably don’t realize it, but when you stare at the screen, you blink less often. Blinking serves a purpose; it moisturizes your eyes. Your eyes miss that moisture when you’re staring at a screen.
It’s critical to turn your eyes away from your computer frequently if you’re on it all day. Get up and stretch or go to the coffee machine.
Dry eye
Dry eye is a common complaint that brings many patients to the eye doctor. Your eyes may feel dry and gritty as if they have dirt or debris. They may appear red and feel itchy.
Many prescription medications cause dry eye. Most older adults and many middle-aged adults take at least one prescription drug each day, so it’s easy to see why the condition is so common.
Dry eyes can also be triggered by autoimmune diseases, wearing contacts too long, and a dry or windy environment. We can prescribe medication to control your dry eye. Modifying your environment by raising the humidity level and changing your computer habits can help reduce your symptoms.
If one eye is red and then the other turns red, you may have pink eye or conjunctivitis. If your eyes itch and you have a discharge or a crust on your eyelid, it’s vital to seek treatment right away. Pink eye can be viral or bacterial, and it can be very contagious.
Blepharitis is another eye disease that can turn into a viral or bacterial infection that causes red eyes, blurry vision, and a crust along your eyelids. Seeking treatment avoids worsening symptoms.
Corneal conditions
If you’ve fallen or been in an accident, you could have a scratch on your cornea that can produce red eyes. You could also have developed a corneal ulcer caused by a viral or bacterial infection.
Keratitis is an inflammation of your cornea also caused by a virus or bacterium. Both an ulcer and keratitis can be the result of leaving contacts in for too many hours.
Glaucoma, a disease that damages your optic nerve, can result in loss of vision. You’re more at risk for glaucoma if you’re over age 60, are African-American, have diabetes, or have a family history of glaucoma.
Researchers estimate that half of the people with glaucoma don’t know they have it. Don’t let yourself be in that group. At age 40, all adults should get a baseline eye exam to screen for glaucoma and other diseases. Early treatment can save your vision.
These are just some of the conditions that can cause red eyes. Don’t hesitate to call for an appointment if you have a question about your eyes.
To preserve your eye health, call Wolchok Eye Associates, PA, or book an appointment online. We help you to maintain your vision.
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