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How to Prepare for Cataract Surgery

How to Prepare for Cataract Surgery

Having cataracts removed is almost a rite of passage as you grow older. By retirement age, most people will have cataracts. Whether you need surgery depends on how much they cloud your vision. 

Cataract surgery is one of the most common operations in the US. While delicate and exacting, it’s now performed on a routine basis. 

At Wolchok Eye Associates, PA, in Jacksonville, Florida, our board-certified ophthalmologists perform many cataract operations, giving patients clear vision once again. Following are helpful tips to prepare for your cataract surgery in the days and weeks before your procedure. 

Three weeks before cataract surgery 

Your Wolchok ophthalmologist provides the documents you take to your primary care doctor for a pre-op exam. You have a few tests to ensure that your overall health is good. For example, if you have diabetes, we want your diabetes and blood pressure to be at recommended levels. 

Two weeks before surgery

There is a small amount of bleeding during cataract surgery; however, you should stop taking any drugs or supplements that could thin your blood, such as NSAIDs, aspirin, and herbal remedies, a couple of weeks before surgery. Make sure you document all medications and supplements on your medical history form. If you’re on blood thinners, please let us know so we can consult you. 

If you wear contact lenses, you need to stop wearing them about two weeks before your surgery so that our measurements of your eyes are correct. 

One week before surgery 

About one week before surgery, we measure your eye. The measurements help us select the size, shape, and type of lens we place in your eye. The lens must fit the curvature of your cornea and the size of your eye. 

We take the measurements of your eye using ultrasound. It’s painless. 

Two days before surgery 

We provide antibiotic eye drops for the one you’re having surgery on or for both eyes if you’re having both done. Start the drops two to three full days before surgery. Make sure your eye absorbs the drops. 

The evening before surgery 

Don’t eat or drink after midnight if you’re having surgery in the morning. We provide specific written directions for you to follow. Your stomach must be empty for the surgery. 

Day of surgery 

Clean your face thoroughly with soap and water. Don’t wear makeup, moisturizers, or other creams or lotions. We may ask you to use baby shampoo on your eyelids and eyelashes the night before and the morning of surgery. 

Wear loose-fitting, comfortable clothes. Avoid tight clothing and clothes with a high neck. 

Of course, you must have someone to drive you home after your surgery. Plan so that you get the rest you need after the procedure. You need to follow a protocol after surgery, so keep our instructions nearby.

Call Wolchok Eye Associates, PA, or book an appointment through our online portal if you’re considering cataract surgery and for all your eye health needs. We can help you see more clearly. 

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