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7 Signs It's Time for a New Corrective Lens Prescription

 7 Signs It's Time for a New Corrective Lens Prescription

You wear glasses. Lately, they don’t seem to be doing their job. It may be hard to read fine print or see the road at night when you’re driving. 

Our board-certified ophthalmologists with Wolchok Eye Associates, PA, in Jacksonville, Florida, perform thorough eye exams to rule out any eye diseases and provide the lens prescription you need to be able to see clearly with your glasses. 

Has it been a while since you’ve gotten a new prescription? Following are seven signs that it’s time for an eye exam and a new lens prescription.

You are squinting a lot 

Do you tend to squint when trying to read road signs while driving, reading, or using the computer? Squinting is a natural response to trying to focus and see clearly. If you’re squinting a lot lately, you may develop headaches or eyeaches from straining your eyes. It’s time for an eye exam. 

Getting headaches 

Are you getting headaches lately? If you’re farsighted, you may get a headache after reading for a while. You may also get headaches if you’re nearsighted. Headaches are a common sign that your prescription is too weak. 

Blurry vision 

Blurry vision is a sign you need to come in for an appointment. It can signal that you need a stronger prescription, but we also rule out other causes, including an eye disease. 

Tired eyes 

Do your eyes feel tired much of the time? If so, it’s time to make an appointment with your eye doctor. If the strain comes after you’ve been on the computer working or gaming for a few hours, we may recommend anti-reflective coating on your lenses. This special coating cuts down on glare from your screen. 

Difficulty driving at night

Is it hard to see when you’re driving at night? If you’re an older adult, you may be developing cataracts. If you’re younger, you may simply need a new lens prescription, but we check out all possibilities when you come in for your eye exam. Anti-glare lenses can help you see better at night; we can include this in your prescription. 

Damaged glasses 

It’s not uncommon for glasses to get scratched. Scratches can place further strain on your eyes. We can add scratch-resistance to the lens in your glasses

Overdue for an eye exam 

If you’ve skipped an exam recommended by your doctor, it’s time to check your vision even if you haven’t noticed changes. Some eye diseases don’t present symptoms until they’re advanced, making treatment more difficult. 

Call Wolchok Eye Associates, PA or book an appointment online today to ensure your eye health. 

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